22 Weeks

Weeks: 22

Total Weight Gain: Not sure but I think around 15 pounds

My Body: Feeling good! I really need to make fitness more of a priority though. This week has been good for walks with Mika, but last night I did a “pregnant woman circuit” that included squats, lunges, planks, and push ups and it was shocking how much muscle I have lost. So doing more strength exercises is my goal going forward.

Maternity Clothes: Almost exclusively. Still a few items still hanging by a thread.

Cravings: Nothing really. I am just hungry all. the. time.

Sleep: The usual weird dreams and pee breaks but other than that can’t complain. Baby B really likes to kick me in the morning though when I have just shut off my alarm and am laying there. All of a sudden he will just start kicking away.

Baby Items Bought/Received: My aden + anais items that my mom bought me arrived yesterday! I got a change pad cover, a blanket, and 4 swaddle blankets. This brand is not cheap but the word on the mommy blogs is that they are the best so I really wanted to try them. The flying dog on the blanket just kills me! So adorable. My step mom also bought me a diaper bag so I am excited to see it when it comes in the mail!

PicMonkey CollageI also registered for my baby shower with Toys R Us this week. I think I have everything covered, although I am disappointed that they don’t let you register for clothing items online 😦 So I hope people who come to the shower bring outfits anyway!

Best Baby Moment: Seeing and feeling him move at the same time. It is so surreal. I also had a bit of a blonde moment yesterday when it finally dawned on me why the movements were so low on my stomach; it is because it is his feet! For some strange reason I was visualizing him laying down across my stomach (maybe because that is how the ultrasound photos come?) and it blew my mind to realize that he is curled up vertically with his feet at the bottom.


Goals: Working on strength exercises so I’m not a lost cause trying to lose all my baby weight.

Worries: None!

Looking Forward To: Our babymoon this weekend! A babymoon is one last getaway just the two of us before the baby comes 🙂 We are going down to Whitefish, Montana and staying at a friends timeshare there. It is free accommodations for us (yay!) but we have to sit through a sales pitch (boo!). We don’t have a lot planned for it, just to hang out and get some shopping done for the nursery and maternity clothes for me.  But I am looking forward to no cell phones or distractions for a few days and just reconnecting with my husband.

22 Weeks_crop


xo T


My Weekend in a Nutshell

Hey Friends!

So my weekend went pretty much as I expected it to but somehow still was not long enough. Friday we got air conditioning installed in our house (!!!) yay no more 35 degree nights that make our dog throw up at 2 am! We had to make the tough call to either pay for a/c or redo our flooring upstairs and me being a selfish pregnant woman thought about my comfort when I am a whale at 9 months pregnant and we ended up going for the comfort over looks investment. Grown up decisions are so not glamorous.

We went over to our friends house for dinner on Friday and they made us lobster for dinner! I felt kind of bad showing up with our Costco caesar salad and tirimisu cake but that quickly went away once we started eating. I don’t remember lobster being that messy to eat but I somehow got lobster gunk eevveeerryyywwhheerreee including an embarrassing lobster splatter on the wall situation. I blame my messiness on the fact that I was a starving pregnant woman and I ate way too fast (I finished de-shelling and eating my lobster 15 minutes before anyone else did #skillz).

My Saturday was spent cleaning the majority of my house including going scrub crazy on my bathtub and I ended up walking funny for the rest of the day because my back hated me. Later on my sister and brother-in-law came over for dinner and Windy and I shoved our totem pole leggings in Brian’s face. Specifically we recreated a picture of two totem poles:



Sunday was spent catching up on my Facetime calls with family, watching Friday Night Lights (we have ONE episode left!), and meal planning for the week. This week’s meals look like this:

Monday: Beef Dip (**Brian and I made a roast on Sunday and since we never come close to finishing a roast ourselves we always end up making two meat pies from the leftovers and then saving the remainder of the meat for beef dips during the week. I can do a post on our meat pie prep process if anyone is interested as well.)

Tuesday: Chicken Souvlaki

Wednesday: Pasta with homemade spaghetti sauce

Thursday: Lemon-dill tilapia with couscous and bok choy

I didn’t plan for Friday because we are leaving that day on our BABYMOON!

Tell me: How was your weekend? 

xo T

Totem Pole Leggings

Hey everyone!

This week seemed to fly by but go really slow at the same time somehow. No? Just me? Alright then.

I went to a legging party last night (yup I said legging party) and it was…good? I don’t really know how to explain what happened but basically I went by myself and I was the only. one. there. The weather was crap yesterday with blowing snow so I wasn’t expecting a lot of people, but as soon as I showed up the hostess had to leave for another party leaving me with her husband and her two kids (one of which was having a melt down as she was leaving). I didn’t really know what to do so I just stared really hard at all the different patterns of leggings that were on display and tried to fade into the back ground. If anyone would have gotten the joke I totally would have moonwalked right out of the situation…



So on one hand I love the two leggings that I got, but the whole experience was a bit odd to say the least. The little girl was super cute though and even wrote me a ‘receipt’ on a post-it. I ended up getting one pair of capris leggings that are a floral print on a white background and a pair of full length ones that are more aztec print than anything. Both are SUPER soft and I immediately put the full length ones on last night to wear around the house. Brian said that I looked like a walking totem pole. I wasn’t sure how to take it but I am going to take it as there is a compliment in there somewhere.

While I was being a wall flower and getting some leggings, Brian made homemade pizza for us for dinner. It is kind of scary how well that man knows me sometimes because one of the pizzas he made had kale, chicken, and srircha on it. Man of the year right there! It kind of makes up for the fact that he called me a walking totem pole.

So what do you have on the agenda for this weekend? I will most definitely be hanging out in my awesome leggings and Brian and I might finish Friday Night Lights! I am going to be so sad when it is over, Riggins is like a part of me now.


xo T

21 Weeks

Weeks: 21

Total Weight Gain: About 12 pounds

My Body: Feeling…soft. My belly just keeps trucking along and it feels like it has doubled in size over night. It is now pretty noticeable although still kind of on the lines of “chubby” if a stranger saw me walking down the street. Changes have definitely been happening in other places too but I won’t go into detail about that on here. (you’re welcome.)

Maternity Clothes: I am currently doing a mix and match of my regular clothes with maternity clothes. I can still wear my regular pants and do the hair tie trick (like I am today) but I just noticed that the zipper will not go up as high anymore and my shirt isn’t quite long enough….whoops. Any pants that sit anywhere near my bellybutton are super uncomfortable now too. They either have to be on my hip bones or my full panel maternity pants. Anything in between is awful and Baby B squirms around non-stop. Maternity shirts are slowly starting to work now too as they are long. My regular shirts are slowly starting to creep up as the day goes on so I either have to wear a cami underneath or just wear a maternity shirt.

Cravings: I am craving something sweet at night after dinner a lot lately. I bought mint chocolate chip ice cream on the weekend and that has been treating me so right.

On the topic of food though, since becoming pregnant I really don’t get hunger pains anymore. I go from not really hungry to feed me I am growing to throw up in a matter of seconds. Lately since the baby is a lot bigger it feels like everything I have goes straight to the baby and then my body is left with the leftovers. I had a scary moment last week when he was going through a growth spurt I think and was eating like I normally would but apparently that wasn’t enough and I was pretty close to passing out. I had the cold sweats, my heart was racing and saw stars. Since then I have brought a lot more “just in case” snacks with me to work so I can grab something quick. I have had to quickly get over my food hangups and just eat when my body tells me I need to eat without second guessing myself. For most dinners I am eating the same if not more than Brian and last week I ended up having to eat a second dinner a couple hours later because I was hungry again. I figure as long as I am eating nutrient-rich food there is nothing to be ashamed about feeding my baby (For full disclosure I did break down last week and had McDonalds for dinner but sometimes you just gotta do it and it isn’t a regularly occurring thing). To show you what I mean this is what I brought to work to eat today:

– 1 apple

– 1 orange

– 2 hard boiled eggs

– 1 fruit & nut trail mix bar

– 2 quinoa cookies

– 1 chicken sandwich with avocado, cucumber, lettuce, harvarti, and sriracha on ancient grain bread

I start my day off with a bowl of vector cereal with almond milk, have my snacks and lunch while at work, and then dinner last night was lemon-dill tilapia with couscous and kale (I had two pieces of fish). Then of course my ice cream landed in there later on and a couple of Brian’s jalapeno chips. But overall I am happy with what I have been eating and feeling lucky that I don’t have any crazy aversions anymore at this point.

Sleep: Pretty good considering the weird dreams and the pee breaks. I have switched my snoogle out the last couple of nights in favour of just a pillow between my knees. Sometimes you just need some cuddle time with the husband!

Baby Items Bought/Received: Brian cracked and bought some baby clothes on the weekend. We were in Winners and he went straight to the baby aisle and started looking around and ended up finding some adorable baseball-themed outfits and teeny-tiny socks. I took a picture but I promised I wouldn’t post it because he got all embarrassed but it was so adorable how excited he got 🙂

Best Baby Moment: I felt him move from the outside! The movement has been getting stronger and stronger so it was only a matter of time but it was a shock nonetheless. I was reading my iPad with my arm over my stomach and I felt the movement from the inside and the outside at the same time, it was crazy! I felt it again last night and put Brian’s hand on my stomach so that he could feel too and all movement just stopped ha ha.

Goals: Cleaning my house. That counts right? I think it is a side effect of nesting where I look around the house and all I see is stuff I need to clean or get rid of before the baby comes.

Worries: None…other than cleaning my house.

Looking Forward To: Going on our babymoon in two weeks! Also our first appointment with our new doctor.


xo T


Boy or Girl

From the very beginning I have called what gender I thought Baby B was and it turns out…

I was right. booya

So friends it turns out there is a little baby BOY inside of me! We had out ultrasound last Thursday and finally got to see him (it was amazing!) but we had to wait until our doctors appointment today to hear the gender and if everything checked out okay. Turns out everything is normal and I was also spot on with when I thought I conceived 🙂 I think my ego has inflated like 10 fold today #bam Unfortunately as predicted the baby also has inherited Brian’s sizable head. At 20 weeks his head is already 5 cm! According to my BabyCentre App, the little guy is 10.5 inches long.

20 weeks

I just cannot wait to meet him!

xo T

Pregnancy Brain 101

I thought I would use my love of GIFs to demonstrate what the past 19.5 weeks of pregnancy has been like for me. Enjoy!

When I dream about drinking wine or beer and it is so real I can actually taste it…but then I wake up.


When I finally have a day that it looks like I have a bump and not just that I have eaten too much I’m like:


When my (male) boss has a conversation with me about how much a woman’s body changes during pregnancy


When I am too hungry to sleep at 3 am and I make a snack. Doesn’t matter what I eat, this is what I look like:


Brian’s face when I tell him what I ate at 3 am:


When I read too many romance novels due to my raging hormones.


On the days that everything I own does not fit me right:


When I think about Brian with our baby:


When it hits me that my body will NEVER look the same:


When people give us tips on “the best baby sleeping technique” and then complain about how exhausted they are because their baby isn’t sleeping well.


xo T