Freakin’ Weekend

Hi Friends! Guess what?!


By the way how can anyone hate Schmidt!? That guy is hilarious and I was slightly obsessed with New Girl for about 2 weeks (how long it took me to go through all the episodes on Netflix) and it was awesome. Brian even started doing Nick’s moonwalk out of awkward situations because it cracks us both up-WATCH NEW GIRL if you don’t know what I am talking about.

I have figured out that I don’t really cook if Brian isn’t home. He has been away for work and all that I have made in the last two days is rice. For dinner one night I literally cut up some raw veggies, added some rice and put some mushroom soup on top #dontjudgeme. While on the topic of eating I actually have a bit of a bump going on! Enough that my coworker called me out on it, so not super noticeable but it’s there! It’s odd and goes against my whole upbringing when I look in the mirror now and I can’t suck it in but I can’t wait to get bigger! The movement is also a lot more noticeable now too especially at night. It feels like a muscle spasm but more forceful now compared to a couple weeks ago when I first started feeling them.

Last night I did some paint touch ups in the nursery and started painting the closet. My painting time limit is about 2 hours because 1) the smell starts to make my throat hurt 2) the brush that we bought is too heavy and makes me feel like I have arthritis and rigamortis after using it. But slow progress is at least progress right!? **Pictures to come soon 🙂

So I use to research books before I buy them now and it is also a good way to track what you have read and what you want to read. I rated all the books that I have read since I started my latest book binge and I have read 43 books. 43 books in about a month. I TOLD YOU I HAD A PROBLEM!



Hope you all have a great weekend!


xo T


Blame the Hormones

Hey Y’all!

Birthday potluck was a slamming success. I ended up getting TWO cakes (one ice cream and one homemade gluten free, fairy free, white chocolate blueberry creation that my sister made), and we all stuffed our faces with moose meatballs, kale and cabbage salad, brussels sprouts with bacon, and whipped potatoes. And like always my family has the weirdest table talk that I would not trade for anything. You have to see it to know what I am talking about.

cake(photo rights belong to @windymay)

My amazing birthday meal ended with me doing a demonstration on how my snoogle works. For all those who are curious a snoogle is a pregnancy pillow that looks like this:

snoogleMy step-dad and brother in-law are now going to buy one. I had them green with envy. But in all seriousness, this pillow is amazing and I slept like a baby last night. It was like a giant pillow hug that encircled my whole body!

In other (not surprising) news I am still demolishing books like it is my job. I am really digging YA novels, paranormal romances, and books along the lines of Fifty Shades of Grey. Don’t hate me. I am blaming my pregnancy hormones for my recent taste in books. Sure there have been some AWFUL ones along my way but there were also some surprisingly good ones too! I have been scouring to get some new book ideas and some of the reviews make my entire day. For example, I stumbled upon Bared to You by Sylvia Day and was like okay let’s see what this has going for it. The first review (by a girl named Katrina) had me on the floor dying from laughter. Click here if you want to read it (scroll to the bottom to see the reviews, hers is the first one) but be warned there is some very explicit language. The GIFs make the entire review. Let me know if you snort water out your nose when you read this review like I did. 

I’ll be back in tomorrow with my 16 week update.

Question: what are you currently reading?

xo T

My Weekend in Books

Hellloooo!! So how was everyone’s weekend? Mine was great! We had some friends staying with us who came in from out of town and all of us went to a banquet for Brian’s college baseball team. We go every year to support the team (it is quite an expensive entry fee to go even for alumni) but Brian enjoys seeing some of his old teammates so it is worth it. Some of these guys he has played with or against them since he was 12! Pregnancy made me squeeze myself into some appropriate pants (with the ol’ hair tie trick in the button hole) and tap out at about 10:30 but that was a lot later than I thought I would last so Brian and I took that as a win. Other than that I kept my book reading streak alive and I am ashamed embarrassed going to be honest and say that I lost track of how many books I read. I think one of the days I read two actually but after that I lost count.

We got our friends addicted to playing Heads Up with us as well. I feel bad for anyone that tries to team up against Brian and I because we play so much together we kill it whenever it is either one of our turns. #justsayin


Usually we don’t play teams though, and just have everyone try to give clues as it makes it a lot more fun and we usually only play with about 4-5 people.

Also, if anyone is interested in a list of the books that I devoured last week I can put together a list with a short description and rating of each book (some were A LOT better than others). Some of the better ones that I read were from this list, and I found the rest by myself in the iBooks store. But if reviews would be helpful let me know and I can get started on it!

Reading this much (especially reading some books that were terribly written) it makes me really miss writing. I used to do it a lot and use it as a way to vent but then I got too preoccupied with boys and university and living the dream 😛 I actually found some of my old writing yesterday and some were stories, some were poems, and some was just venting. But the venting hit me that hardest because it took me right back to when I wrote it in the first place and I knew exactly what I was going through at that time. Moving to a new province right in the middle of my high school career was really hard for me and I kind of forgot how much I struggled with finding my place in this new town without any friends. I am tossing up the idea of writing more and maybe if I get enough courage, sharing some of my stories but that may take some time.

Anyway, how was your weekend? Do anything exciting?

xo T

I Think I Have Problem

Seriously guys my reading has gotten out of control. I told you all how I finished a book on Tuesday night? Well since then I have finished three more. THREE! That’s insane! I think I have a problem. That is four books in four days and going to be honest here I probably will start another one today.

Brian and I actually cuddled on the couch last night while he was watching a hockey and I used his back to rest my iPad while I continued reading…


That is something addicts do.

I am just on a Young Adult novel kick right now. All the stories follow roughly the same principles (damaged boy meets damaged girl and they overcome their demons to fall madly in love). So seriously though…give it up for a few days or keep reading? (In full disclosure I have already downloaded a few more onto my iPad already so it’s going to be pretty hard to stop). I figure it is not like I am turning my brain to mush just watching TV, instead I am exercising my mind 😉

What do you think? Also, what are you reading? After this YA novel kick I may have to switch genres to give my poor heart a break from all these damaged souls I am reading about so I am open to suggestions!


xo T